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(Last updated 12/6/2021)
Join Our Monthly Planning Meetings:
Interested in helping us in some way? We generally meet the third Monday of the Month at 4:30 PM via zoom to plan our work - you are welcome to join us. Please contact us to get the zoom link.
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Write Your Commissioner
Commissioners listen to their constituents. You can have an impact by asking your Commissioner to let them know you want sustainability to be a high priority in Township operations and planning.
Direct your message to your Commissioner at this Commissioners' Distribution List. This way, the other Commissioners also receive your message, though you'll address your message specifically to the one serving your ward.
Attend Pertinent Commissioners' or Environmental Advisory Council (EAC) Meetings
Currently, and for the foreseeable future, these are expected to held via zoom. This LM township meetings page gives a list of all upcoming meetings. (These can be filtered, but filtering may not work quite the way one expects.) Click to open an individual meeting page, and follow the instructions to request access to attend that meeting, which you'll receive via email. CALM recommends doing this at least 24 hours in advance! Usually an agenda is available about a day in advance as well.
Or, view commissioners' meetings broadcast in real time on Verizon FIOS channel 37, Comcast channel 7, or online at The same web link allows viewing of past commissioners' meetings. Regular EAC meetings are not available for review, but the same web link allows you to view The EAC Show with relevant updates and educational workshops and other relevant segments produced by the EAC.
Contact Your Other Elected Officials
Let them know that you support investment in renewable energy or other environmentally friendly initiatives.
Find your state legislators
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Invite One of Us to Speak
We can send or recommend a volunteer to speak to your community group. Contact us here.